Category: Uncategorised
My favorite time of the year
OK! its hard garbage time in my neck of the woods. I’m a hoarder, so it’s really hard for me to throw anything out , if I think I can use it in my art and of course thats everything. This year, I actually found some old mattress’s, a toaster and some odd bits of…
Abstraction & Beyond (update)
Exhibition update: “Abstraction & Beyond” Feb.2-1 March Burrinja Cultural Center 351 Glenfern Road (cnr Matson Drv), Upwey, VIC, 3158 . Open Daily 9am-5pm. If you are heading over to the Dandenongs over the next month, checkout my exhibition “Abstraction & Beyond’ at the Burrinja Cultural Center in Upwey, Victoria. I just finished hanging the exhibition…