Category: abstract art
Pocket Art Series. Recycled Art. French Packaging.
POCKET ART SERIES Small one of a kind transportable patches of Abstraction ready to go…Compact pieces of art for people on the move. My pocket art pieces came about when I needed to transport artwork from country to country. They are small mixed media textile pieces connected to my love of abstraction textiles, text and…
Abstraction & Beyond (update)
Exhibition update: “Abstraction & Beyond” Feb.2-1 March Burrinja Cultural Center 351 Glenfern Road (cnr Matson Drv), Upwey, VIC, 3158 . Open Daily 9am-5pm. If you are heading over to the Dandenongs over the next month, checkout my exhibition “Abstraction & Beyond’ at the Burrinja Cultural Center in Upwey, Victoria. I just finished hanging the exhibition…