My Beautiful French Paper Napkins

I love to collect napkins . These ones are very special to me and would have to be my favorite ones. Each napkin is covered in little rabbits, squirrels and reindeer with children playing in the snow, wearing colorful hats, coats and hand mittens.

Story behind these napkins…
I found these beautiful paper napkins in Paris. I bought them for our Xmas dinner at my son-laws parents in 2009. We had 11 courses of decadence consisting of colorful seafood terrains, Brittany crabs, lobster, chicken voulavents, duck, venison, deserts and to finish it all off, a huge chocolate buche covered with little ceramic ornaments. All this, while watching the Eiffel Tower lights twinkling out the window. I’m very spoilt when I live in Paris.


Paper Napkin transfers are fun too… check out this video



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