Let them eat cake” is the traditional translation of the French phrase “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche“, supposedly spoken by “a great princess” upon learning that the peasants had no bread. Since brioche was enriched, as opposed to normal bread, the quote supposedly would reflect the princess’s obliviousness to the condition of the people.While they are commonly attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette,[1] there is no record of these words ever having been uttered by her.

Let me eat cake” when I’m in Paris this is what I do … What else can I do? when on every street corner I am bombarded with French artistry at its best. Exquisite displays of mouth watering decadence in  Pâtisserie windows beckon moi. The traditional French Frasier’s is my favorite cake with it’s layer upon layer of delicate sponge ,strawberries and cream.

How to make Frasier…Sorry it’s in French, but the visuals are worth watching especially at the unveiling at the end.

Recette en vidéo de L’atelier des Chefs



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